1600 N Genesee St, Delafield, WI 262-646-2343
1600 N Genesee St, Delafield, WI 262-646-2343
For more information or if you have questions, please contact Pastor Jackie.
During this year of learning, we will experience what it means to live in a Christian community of Jesus': Praying, Serving, and Playing (fellowship) together.
Confirmation will meet at CTK twice per month on an irregular schedule. The other weeks will have a lesson found online or be out of the Talkpoints discussion book.
Each class held at CTK will begin with a light snack that the parents will provide on a rotating basis. Bring your calendars to sign up for a week. Then the schedules will be placed online for easy access.
Pictured left: The Confirmation students appreciated the help of the congregation in solivng this 10 Commandment puzzle.
Time: 9am to 12pm
Worship and Rally Day at CTK!
9am Worship, Rally Day, and clean up - Get to know you games
Time: 5:30-7:00pm
Martin Luther and the Reformation
Time: 5:30-7:00pm
Saved by Grace through Faith
Complete by October 6th
Route A Believing
Meet with your Mentors before October 30th
Time: 10:30-11:30am
Lutheran Beliefs: Law/Gospel, Sinner/Saint
Time: After Worship (optional: counts as service)
Attend El Salvador presentation
Complete by October 27th
Commandments Part 2
Time: 10:30am
Corn maze with group
Complete by November 10th
Route B Deciding
Honoring our Veterans after worship
Time: 10:30am
Love Your Neighbor
Time: 10:30am
QPR Speaker
Complete by November 24th
Apostle's Creed 1
Time: 10:30am
Apostle's Creed Part 2
Time: 10:30am
Christmas Escape Room
Time: 9am Worship (service requirement)
Christmas Program
Complete by January 5th
ELCA and Denominations
Complete by January 5th
Church Seasons
Complete by January 5th
Worship with family. Write a paragraph on worship observations.
Complete by January 5th
Work on lessons not completed yet.
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