1600 N Genesee St, Delafield, WI 262-646-2343
1600 N Genesee St, Delafield, WI 262-646-2343
Confirmation 2022-2023-Exciting new format!
After a brainstorming meeting with parents, a new and creative
Confirmation program has been developed!
For more information or if you have questions, please contact the Pastor Jackie.
The curriculum resources this year will be: Here We Stand, TalkPoints Confirmation, and
“Big Questions” from Reform.
Group learning—Sunday evenings, twice per month, per the schedule below. Dinner at 5:30pm. Parents will rotate providing the meal. Learning time 6-7pm. Depending on volunteers available, a hybrid method via Zoom may be offered.
TalkPoints/Bible Story Discussion—one week per month.
Here We Stand Lesson—one online lesson per month.
Mentor program (formerly Prayer Partners)—Chosen by the student and their family. Pastor can provide suggestions and assistance, if needed. Mentors are scheduled to meet 4-5 times during group learning/fellowship activities, and are expected to meet outside of class using the TalkPoints book.
Service opportunities will also be planned and coordinated by parents and offered to the group.
As a group, we will reassess the format in November and determine if any modifications are needed. We look forward to this exciting year of learning together!
Pastor Jackie Cook and Jenny Nettesheim, Faith Formation Coordinat
Time: 9am to 12pm
Worship and Rally Day at CTK!
9am Worship, Rally Day and clean-up
Time: 5:30pm to 7pm
Orientation with students and parents at CTK
Time: 5:30pm to 6pm - Mentor Orientation at CTK
6pm to 7pm - Group learning with Mentors at CTK
Complete by October 8th
TalkPoints at home - Route A: Believing
Time: 5:30pm to 7pm
Group learning - Commandments part 1
Complete by October 22nd
Online lesson - Love Your Neighbor
Time: 5:30pm to 7pm
Group learning at CTK
Commandments Part 2
Time: 5:30pm to 7pm
Fellowship with Mentors at CTK
Trunk or Treat
Complete by November 11th
TalkPoints at home - Route B: Deciding
Time: 5:30pm to 7pm
Group learning at CTK
Law and Gospel/Sinner and Saint
Time: 5:30pm to 7pm
Group learning at CTK
Apostle's Creed 1
Complete by December 2nd
Online lesson at home
Apostle's Creed 2
Time: 5:30pm to 7pm
Group learning at CTK
World Religions
Time: 5:30pm to 7pm
Group learning at CTK
ELCA and Denominations
Complete by January 3rd
Online lesson at home
Church seasons
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